#Industry Control, s.r.o.

Specialist in Automation
of Technological Processes
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About Industry Control, s.r.o.

Industry Control, s.r.o. was founded in 2005. We currently have more than twenty years of experience in the field of automation of technological processes in the chemical, oil, petrochemical and energy industries.

Industry Control, s.r.o. is a trading company with a focus on control valve issues, optimization of current control systems and searching for optimal technical solutions in this field.

Brno Office:

Industry Control, s.r.o.
Hlinky 118
603 00 Brno

Jan Čmiel
Mob.: +420 724 554 486
Phone: +420 530 507 458
e-mail: jan.cmiel@ic-cz.com

Billing address:

Industry Control, s.r.o.
Kyjevská 13
160 00 Praha 6

Pavel Mraček
Mob.: +420 602 267 525
Phone:+420 233 313 435
e-mail: pavel.mracek@ic-cz.com
